User Permissions and Two Factor Authentication

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A secure infrastructure for security is built on user permissions as well as two-factor authentication. They reduce the likelihood that malicious insiders will take action to cause security breaches and help comply with regulatory requirements.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) requires the user to provide credentials from different categories – something they’re familiar with (passwords PIN codes, passwords, and security questions), something they own (a one-time verification code that is sent to their phone or authenticator app), or something they are (fingerprints, face or retinal scan). Passwords aren’t adequate protection against hacking techniques – they can easily be stolen, shared with incorrect people, and easier to compromise via the use of phishing or other methods such as on-path attacks or brute force attack.

It is also essential to use 2FA for sensitive accounts for online banking, such as, tax filing websites and email, social media and cloud storage services. Many of these services are available without 2FA, but making it available for the most sensitive and vital ones adds a security layer that is hard to break.

To ensure that 2FA is working, cybersecurity professionals must regularly review their strategies to take into account new threats. This will also enhance the user experience. Some examples of this include phishing attacks that entice users into sharing their 2FA credentials or “push bombing,” which overwhelms users with multiple authentication requests, leading them to mistakenly approve legitimate ones because of MFA fatigue. These challenges, and many others, require an evolving security solution which provides visibility into user log-ins to detect anomalies in real-time.

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